Sowing the First Seeds
Sowing the First Seeds
East-West Seed was founded in 1982 by Simon N. Groot, a sixth-generation seedsman from the Netherlands.
During his many travels as marketing director of the family seeds business Sluis & Groot (now Syngenta) he had noticed the struggles faced by smallholder farmers in tropical regions and observed that low-quality seeds resulted in poor yields, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and malnutrition.
Read more about Simon Groot >Motivated to break this cycle, Groot established East-West Seed in the Philippines in partnership with Filipino seed trader Benito Domingo. They combined European seed technology expertise with Asian tropical farming know-how to provide high-quality, locally adapted vegetable seeds to these farmers.
Initially named Hortigenetics Philippines, Inc., the company was later renamed East-West Seed to symbolize the successful partnership between the East (Asia) and the West (Europe). East-West Seed became the first market-oriented vegetable breeding company in Southeast Asia.
The first breeding trial began in 1982 on a humble five-hectare farm called Hortanova, or “new garden,” in Batangas, Philippines.
With the Philippine branch of East-West Seed well underway, Groot began to expand to Thailand. With new Thai partners in 1984, he established the first commercial vegetable breeding farm in the Chiang Mai valley and began developing a Thai bitter gourd hybrid.
The First Hybrid
The First Hybrid
In 1986, East-West Seed introduced "Jade Star," the first locally developed commercial vegetable hybrid in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.
This new bitter gourd variety was easier to grow, produced better yields, and was resistant to downy mildew. It transformed the landscape for farmers, providing higher incomes and more accessible produce for consumers. "Jade Star" marked East-West Seed’s first taste of success and bitter gourd still remains one of the company’s flagship crops today.
Growing Globally and Serving More Farmers
Over the years, East-West Seed has expanded its presence to other countries in Asia, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Bangladesh, as well as to African countries like Tanzania and Nigeria, and Latin American countries such as Mexico and Brazil. Today, the company exports to over 80 markets worldwide, offering over 600 varieties across 80 crops.
Our Founder: Dr. Simon N. Groot
A good seed can change the lives of millions.
Simon Groot is a 6th generation descendant of the family that laid the foundation of the Dutch vegetable seed industry. During his many travels as marketing director of the family seeds business Sluis & Groot (now Syngenta) he had noticed the poverty of smallholder farmers in South East Asia, and the need for high-quality seed so farmers could increase their productivity and income.

In 1982 Simon Groot started East-West Seed in the Philippines together with Filipino seed trader Benito Domingo. Later on, Groot extended his activities throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Today, East-West Seed is a global leader in the tropical vegetable seeds market.
Simon Groot has been an inspiration to other seedsmen, who followed his initiative in developing the seed markets in Asia. He has always been active to improve and innovate in collaboration with industry companions. In 1994, he was one of the founding fathers and after that an active member of APSA (The Asia and Pacific Seed Association), and in 2003 of a consortium of vegetable breeders to support AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center - with funds and expertise. He was honored with a lifetime membership of APSA in 2014.
Simon Groot’s passion for research and commitment to providing quality seeds to farmers has not gone unnoticed. In 2011, he received a “Doctor of Science in Agricultural Sciences, Honoris Causa” from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and the university council of Thailand’s Naresuan University. He was also awarded the Mansholt Business Award for Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Wageningen University, Netherlands in 2015.
In 2019, Simon Groot received the highest honor in agriculture when he was awarded the World Food Prize. Known as the "Nobel Prize for Food," the 2019 World Food Prize honored the unique achievements of Simon Groot and his company East-West Seed (EWS) over the past four decades. Simon Groot has successfully developed a dynamic, smallholder-centric tropical vegetable seed industry, starting in Southeast Asia and spreading throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
His work has invigorated both rural and urban markets for vegetable crops, making nutritious vegetables more widely available and affordable for millions of families each year.
Like Dr. Norman Borlaug before him, Simon N. Groot has dedicated his life to improving the livelihoods of millions around the world.
Simon Groot’s legacy continues to inspire and guide us in our work at East-West Seed.