How to grow yellow papaya variety Sinta F1

11 August 2017

The Vietnam Agriculture newspaper posted “The dual effect from planting Papaya in intercrop with Pepper” This is a new method that has been developed by the East-West Seed Company (Hai Mui Ten Do). It is very effective in the Southeast region.

The Sinta F1 yellow papaya seeds of East West Seed Co.,Ltd are being selected by farmers for their preferred characteristics over others.


Read more: The dual effect from planting Papaya in intercrop with Pepper (Vietnamese language)

About the Sinta F1 yellow papaya:

The Sinta F1 yellow papaya seeds are characterized with short trees, the height from the root to the first fruit is 65-70cm, resistance to the virus, good capacity of fruits, weight of fruit is 1,5-2,2kg, the flesh is delicious with sweet flavour, beautiful colour, longterm of preservation, soon harvest, the time from planting to harvesting is 6.5 months.



In the South, being planted during the year with water source availability, especially the beginning rainy season is the most suitable moment (April-May).

In the North, the most suitable season is (September-October)


Preparing the papaya seedlings:

Soak seeds in warm water (with the ratio of 2:3 hot water to cool water) keeping them in for 11-12 hours, rubbing the seeds with hands and washing carefully.

Keep immersing seeds in Atonik solution with density 1/1000 (1ml of Atonik to 1 litre of water) for 20-30 minutes to promote germination, then sow seeds into the soil.

Mix coconut fiber (fully cleaned) with husked ash (desalted) and manure at the rate of 35% coconut fiber + 35% husk ash + 30% manure.

Sow the seeds in about 1cm of depth. If the sowing is too deep, seeds will slowly germinate or will not germinate at all.

You should place the seedling tray in a shaded area for good germination. Keep average soil moisture, not too dry or too moist. Spraying Validacin, Rovral, Carbendazim, Ridomil, Kasuran to prevent damping off disease.

When the seedlings are about 15 - 20 cm in height and have 5-6 leaves (+- 40-45 days after sowing), they can be planted.


Preparing the soil:

The Sinta F1 papaya can be grown with many kinds of soil, the dimension of growing hole is 50x50cm, 30m in depth. 

Growing distance: Row x row is 2 - 2.5m; Tree x tree is 2m; Density 2,000 - 2,200 trees/ha. If planting in intercrop, the density is 1,000 trees/ha.


Manuring and protecting:

First period: Planting after 4-6 weeks, Supply 50-80g of Ure, 150-200g P2O5, 50-80g KCL for each tree.

Second period: When the flowers appear (about 3,5-4 months after growing), Supply 50-80g of Ure, 200-250g P2O5, 80-100g KCL, and 3-4kg dung for each tree.

Third period: After the first harvesting, Supply 50-80g of Ure, 200-250g P2O5 Super Lan, 80-100g KCL and 4-5kg dung for each tree.


Pest and disease management: 


Insects such as aphids, white fly, green leafhoppers etc. are harmful to leaf stems, young shoot and young fruits, causing the bad growth of plants, reducing the fruit quality and being the vector to transfer virus. Use the pesticide such as Confidor, Trebon, Thianmectin, Radian, etc. to control.

Aphids: Popularly appearing on Papaya. The garden should be ventilated, reject the decayed leaves. Water can be used to clean the fruits when pests appear in a large amount of quantity. Then, we can use the pesticide such as Applaud, Butal, Bassa, Regent, Confidor, Movento 150 etc.

Note, when using the pesticide, spray with adhesives because populations of aphids have thick white wax covered. If there are many kinds of trees in the same garden, should spray over the other trees also. Ensure the killing of young aphids, and other ones hiding on other host plants.


It is difficult to prevent the diseases caused by virus. Though Sinta F1 papaya are resistant to certain viruses, proper hygiene is also necessary in combination with using the pesticide to reject the pests.

Anthracnose, Downy mildew: Properly manuring. Spraying Anvil, Daconil, Topsin, Mancozeb.

Damping off, or fungi affected: The soil should be kept dry and well drained. Using the fungicide such as Ridomil Gold, Dithane, Aliette, Vilaxyl, Canthomil, etc. to spray or water around the root of trees.